Annotated Bibliography

By: Carlyn Kane

·      Daniels, John T. Photograph of First Flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, 10:35 AM, December 17, 1903. 1903. Photograph. Library of Congress, Washington D.C. American memory. American memory. Web. 14 Dec. 2009. <>


This is one of my primary resources.  It is a picture of Kitty Hawk lifting off the ground.  It is a picture of the first flight ever recorded.  I can use this source when I write about the first plane to lift off the ground and fly.  It is one of the most famous pictures of Kitty Hawk.  Both Orville and Wilbur are pictured.


·      N. pag. American memory. American Memory. Web. 14 Dec. 2009. <>.


This is another primary resource.  This is a picture of a journal article written by Orville Wright.  He wrote down what happened during the first three flights of Kitty Hawk.  It is scrawled in a little pocket journal.  I think that I will use this source for when I explain Orville and Wilbur Wright and their invention of the airplane.


·      History of Airplanes! 2006. Web. 14 Dec. 2009. <>.

I want to use this source because it is useful for the early history of the airplane.  When I go through all the technicalities of how the airplane was created I can go to this site.  It mentions other people that they were competing with; a lot of the articles I have read haven’t mentioned them.


·      Invention of the Airplane. Web. 14 Dec. 2009. <>.


I am not completely sure that I will use this site.  I’m not sure that it is completely reliable.  The good thing that it talks about is a little bit of how the invention changed the world.  It also has some interesting statistics.  If I make a timeline or statistics tab in my website, I would use this source.


·      The Wright Brothers: How they Invented the Airplane. New York: Russell Freedman, 1991. Print.


This book contains many pictures with little captions.  However, it does contain important information in big paragraphs sometimes.  This book won a Newbery Honor award, so I believe that it can help me in some way.  It will help me not only learn about The Wright Brothers but the actual invention of the airplane.


·      The Importance of: The Wright Brothers. Farmington Hills: Lucent Books, 2003. Print.

This book gives a deep description of the Wright Brothers.  But it also gives good background info on how Kitty Hawk was created and what was going on during the invention.  I can use this source to go more in depth and really analyze the information.


·      The Importance of: Charles Lindbergh. Farmington Hills: Lucent Books, 2003. Print.

This source gives information of Charles Lindbergh.  He was not only a pilot but an inventor as well.  This source will help me go a little bit more into the future.  Where as the Wright Brothers shows the history of airplanes and aviation.  I will use him in an example in a tab on my website.

·      Rinard, Judith E. Book of Flight. Willowdale: Firefly, 2001. Print.

This book is a great source of information.  It gives me a wide range of topics to choose from and has interesting details included.  It will help me learn background information about different planes and important pilots.  I will definitely use this source in my website.

·      Dick, Ron, and Dan Patterson. The Golden Age. Erin, Ontario: Boston Mills Book, 2004. Print.

This source is a very detailed book.  I may have a bit of trouble because it is so large.  One benefit of this book is its well labeled index in the back of the book.  It separates people from dates and places.  This will help me when I’m searching for information about pilots and their detailed flights. 

·      "The Wilbur and Orville Wright Collection." American Memory. The Library of Congress. Web. 28 Feb. 2010. <>.

This website is not only a great source for primary resources, but information as well.  It contains a huge collection of journal entries and pictures about the Wright Brothers and their journey.  It may be difficult to choose the perfect primary source but it will be really helpful.

·      Lampard, Eric E. "U.S. Industrialization." U.S. Industrialization. Web. 28 Feb. 2010.


This website is a very detailed source.  It contains information about the indusrialization revoluion which will help me with my historical context part of the website.  It doesn’t give me very detailed information but more broad facts.  I think this website will help me work on the background information.

·      "Charles Lindbergh: An American Aviator." Charles Lindbergh: An American Aviator. Web. 28 Feb. 2010. <>.

This source is a huge website filled with information about Charles Lindbergh.  Although I already have a book about Charles Lindbergh this source can give me very specific information.  It includes many quotes and pictures.  It also gives a detailed synopsis of Charles’ flight.